Michelle Obama

Everyone on Earth, they’d tell us, was carrying around an unseen history, and that alone deserved some tolerance.

John Mayer

Blues music is like embracing pain, but realizing life is worth putting up to.

Charles Forsman, The End of the F***ing World

The problem with the person having a lack of love, is that they don’t know what it looks like. So it is easy for them to get tricked, to see things that aren’t there. But then I guess we all lie to ourselves all the time.



Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

Do not believe that he who seeks to comfort you lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. His life has much difficulty and sadness and remains far behind yours. Were it otherwise he would never have been able to find those words.

If your everyday life seems poor to you, do not accuse it; accuse yourself, tell yourself you are not poet enough to summon up its riches; since for the creator there is no poverty and no poor or unimportant place.​

…for fundamentally, and precisely in the deepest and most important things, we are unspeakably alone, and a great deal must happen in order that one man may be able to advise or even help another—a great deal must succeed, a whole constellation of things must be realized for it once to prosper.


Human love affirmation. Unfailingly positive. Tremendous cheerleader. Give direct, unvarnished feedback.

Best professional advice: don’t be so polite.








Life’s too short for pretending you’re something you’re not. The truth is that video games are nerdy. They’re also beautiful.